
黄子航,硕士生导师博士毕业于东北大学物理化学专业,博士期间美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校全球高被引科学家Yat Li教授课题组从事联合培养研究工作。2018入职8188威尼斯娱人城绿色合成与先进材料制备化学辽宁省重点实验室和清洁能源化学研究院。主要从事电化学储能的研究工作,包括水系离子电池、超级电容器等。ACS NanoAdv. Funct. Mater等国际期刊发表SCI论文20篇。入选辽宁省“百千万人才工程”万层次人才,获得辽宁省科技奖-自然科学一等奖,沈阳市自然科学学术成果奖二等奖。欢迎报考8188威尼斯娱人城的考生通过E-mail联系加入清洁能源化学研究院,从事能源材料设计合成及储能应用的研究工作。



1. 水系电池电极材料设计合成及储能机理研究。

2. 先进能源材料制备及在超级电容器中的应用研究



1. 国家自然科学基金,青年基金项目,主持,2023.1-2025.12

2. 辽宁省教育厅,面上项目,主持,2019.10-2021.10

3. 辽宁省科学技术厅,青年项目,主持,2019.9-2021.9

4. 8188威尼斯娱人城,青年项目,主持,2019.9-2020.9



(1) Xu Han, Chongchong Wu, Hao Li, Yusheng Zhang, Wenping Sun, Baohua Jia, Ian D. Gates, Zi-Hang Huang* and Tianyi Ma* Three-In-One Alkylamine Tuned MoOx for Lab-Scale to Real-Life Aqueous Supercapacitors. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 32, 2113209.

(2) Z.-H. Huang, F.-F. Sun, Z.-Y. Yuan, W. Sun, B. Jia, H. Li*, H. Li* and T.-Y. Ma* An electro-activated bimetallic zinc-nickel hydroxide cathode for supercapacitor with super-long 140,000 cycle durability. Nano Energy 2021, 82, 105727.

(3) Xu Han, Chongchong Wu, Yue Zhang, Ian D. Gates, Hui Li, Zi-Hang Huang* and Tianyi Ma*. Deep-Implanting Oxygen Vacancy into VOx by Alkylamine Intercalation for Life-Oriented Modular Pouch Supercapacitors. Chem. Eng. J, 2023, 453, 139948.

(4) Zi-Hang Huang*, Si-Jia Dua, Yue Zhanga, Tianyi Mab, Hui Li*, A high performance vanadium oxide@molybdenophosphate composite for 2.2 V aqueous symmetric supercapacitors. Chem. Eng. J 2022, 449, 137750.

(5) Fang-Fang Sun, Wen-Han Li, Zi-Hang Huang*, Wenping Sun, Yuhai Dou, Ding Yuan, Baohua Jia and Tianyi Ma* Pulse-Potential Electrochemistry to Boost Real-Life Application of Pseudocapacitive Dual-Doped Polypyrrole. SmartMat 2022, 3, 644-656.

(6) Zi-Hang Huang, Hao Li, Wen-Han Li, Graeme Henkelman, Baohua Jia, and Tianyi Ma, Electrical and structural dual function of oxygen vacancies for promoting electrochemical capacitance in tungsten oxide. Small 2020, 16, 2004709.

(7) J.-C. Liu, H. Li, M. Batmunkh, X. Xiao, Y. Sun, Q. Zhao, X. Liu, Z.-H. Huang,* T.-Y. Ma,* Structural engineering to maintain superior capacitance of molybdenum oxides at ultrahigh mass loadings. J. Mater. Chem. A 2019, 7, 23941-23948.

(8) Z. H. Huang, F. F. Sun, M. Batmunkh, W. H. Li, H. Li, Y. Sun, Q. Zhao, X. Liu, T. Y. Ma,* Zinc-Nickel-Cobalt Ternary Hydroxide Nanoarrays for High-Performance Supercapacitors. J. Mater. Chem. A 2019, 7, 11826-11835.

(9) Z. H. Huang, Y. Song, D. Y. Feng, Z. Sun, X. Sun*, X. X. Liu*. High mass loading MnO2 with hierarchical nanostructures for supercapacitors. ACS Nano 2018, 12, 3557-3567. (IF:13.709)

(10) Z. H. Huang, Y. Song, X. X. Liu*. Boosting operating voltage of vanadium oxide-based symmetric aqueous supercapacitor to 2 V. Chem. Eng. J. 2019, 358, 1529-1538. (IF:6.735)